Uniting Churches to Help Neighbors in Need

The local church is God’s answer to community brokenness and a part of his plan of redemption and restoration. That’s why we mobilize local churches to offer a holistic approach to caring for people in all areas of life: physical, emotional, relational and spiritual

Our Mission & Vision
We mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities In the Name of Christ because we envision a world where Christian churches are united in purpose and fully engaged in actively living out their faith by lovingly serving people in need in their communities.

Better Together

We help churches help people by developing a network of local churches and connecting them with opportunities to serve their neighbors in need. Sometimes that can look like helping with food, personal needs items, furniture, transportation, or a work project. Other times, it looks like offering educational classes, providing mentorship support, and hosting community events. But it’s always about each church leaning into its strengths and working together with others—because we are better together.

Join Us

In every community, people possess gifts and talents that can be used for ministry, but they often don’t know how to connect with neighbors in need who are seeking those exact skills at that exact time. Love INC helps churches mobilize their members to reach out to their neighbors in need, by creating specific, manageable opportunities that utilize the unique skills and talents of their congregation to fill unmet needs in the community.


I Didn't Know...

Homelessness is defined as a lack of a fixed, regular, adequate nighttime residence. Often a neighbor calls or comes into the office, not realizing they meet this definition, and our initial suggestions seem foreign to them. Trevor was one such individual. He is an elderly gentleman who has been “homeless”, couch surfing at one of his daughter’s houses, or a friend’s house off and on for the past 7-8 years.


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New—Mahaska Free Clinic
Mahaska Free Clinic is now open the 2nd Tuesday of each month in our Love INC Resource Center. Check-in is from 5:30-6:30pm to be seen that evening.
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Redemptive Compassion: Help that Restores
We seek to help our neighbors holistically. This encompasses all areas of our lives–physical, emotional, relational and spiritual. Needs do not occur in a vacuum.
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Pray Without Ceasing
Each action within the Love INC ministry is covered in prayer. It is foundational to how we love and serve our neighbors and partner churches well. We are excited to have this new volunteer opportunity extend from an email chain to dedicated prayer time in the office. Please contact our Prayer Team Coordinator to join either in person or via email.