Stories of Impact

I Didn’t Know…

Homelessness is defined as a lack of a fixed, regular, adequate nighttime residence. Often a neighbor calls or comes into the office, not realizing they meet this definition, and our initial suggestions seem foreign to them. “Trevor” was one such individual. He has been “homeless”, couch surfing at other people’s houses, for the past 7-8 years. He has a fixed income but has not paid his own bills in decades, if ever. His family has always helped or paid the bill for him. He has no idea how much he owes or to whom.He is scared to live on his own. Does he owe MidAmerican? Can he get water in his name? What will his background check show? How will his interview with HUD go?

The person with whom he has been living most recently set a clear boundary and eight months ago, he started the application process at a low income apartment complex. The waiting list to obtain housing shocked him. He was not aware of the time and patience required to obtain housing. Finally, hIs name was next on the waiting list! His family said he had to learn on his own. He swallowed his pride and asked the apartment manager for help. Together, they completed the rental application forms. During this waiting, Trevor paid off bills and lacked money for his deposit. Love INC builds relationships with landlords, property managers, and community agencies. The apartment manager referred him to Love INC. She knew he would need ongoing support. An intake volunteer met with Trevor many times and learned he had overcome a battle with drug addiction. He was lost in all areas of life after one of his parents died.

Love INC and another community agency were able to pay his deposit. Love INC donors provided kitchen items and a partner church moved his items from a storage unit. Trevor learned basic budgeting skills. He found hope and new freedom living on his own. For the first several months, Love INC checked in with him every other month, to ask how his spending plan was going. Trevor is doing well, making new friends and has an improved relationship with his family.